This plugin will add the Spam Karma 2 spam count message, as Spam Karma 1 did, to the footer of your page. For the default message, all that is required is the installation of the plugin, but you can customize the message.
This plugin will add the Spam Karma 2 spam count message, as Spam Karma 1 did, to the footer of your page. For the default message, all that is required is the installation of the plugin, but you can customize the message.
The opinions expressed in comments are entirely the responsibility of the various contributors. While I will do everything within reason to ensure that they are not defamatory, I accept no liability for them or the content of links included in them.
I have installed the plug-in on my blog. But somehow it does not work - even though SK2 has already caught quite a number of comment spams, the count show a “0” - just like on your blog here…
Did i miss anything??
I had 58 SPAM using SK1, SK2 install reset the count to 0. So maybe it isn’t working or maybe you haven’t had SPAM yet. Time will tell, the plugin may be working perfectly.
Err — as i wrote, SK2 has already caught numerous cmt spams. The counter just says zero and won’t change.
Maybe that’s because SK2 doesn’t kill the spams anymoren but moves them to the database spam-marked instead??
Thomas, The current counter only counts comments sent to “hell”. So if they are just moderated they are sent to “purgatory”, and waiting for you to moderate them. So I think the prob is that your comments are sitting in moderation (purgatory) and have not been sent to hell.
But I’ll check with dr Dave to see what he thinks, and get back to you.
OK. Because hell has kinda been abandoned in SK2. So we should count the purgatory instead, i suppose.
Hey - i can see that you’re already running an updated version. Can’t wait to get my hands on that one! Looks like great work!
Thomas, yeah I changed it a bit. But talking to dr Dave, there was a bug in SK2 that wasn’t increasing the stats count, so first try upgrading SK.
Also, right now most comments go in to moderation and are not killed, for testing purposes. So when SK2 is final most spam comments will go to hell.
I’ll package the new stats up now and release it shortly.
Alrighty - i have it up and running on my site. But the archive still reports v1.0 - is that a bug or a feature?
Thomas, you caught me. I uploaded the new version to the wrong place. But it’s all better now. Try re-downloading the plugin. Sorry about that.
Way cool. Thanks for the great work - i have it up and running on my site. My karma is -382…
Michael Boman’s Blog » Blog spam problem seems to be resolved
Just a proposal: As far as i can tell, SK2 Stats only shows the Comment spams, but not the Trackback spams. Could this be included as well?
Best regards, Thomas
Thomas, hmmm, strange. That would be a problem with SK2 not counting them. Have you upgraded to the latest version. It has many bug fixes.
I’ve downloaded this and I’m trying to use it but it’s not showing up in my footer and it’s giving me an error. The url is:
The error is: Warning: Division by zero in /home/.radialdryer/slainte/ on line 32.
Is there anyway to actually put it in my footer? Gracias!
Ack. Nevermind, I’ve got the problems sorted.
Nice job with the plugin!
This is a great tool. Any idea on how I could bump it up off the very very bottom of my page back onto the white of my (kubrick) theme’s background? I just wonder in which file the location of its output is configured.
Best, michaelm
p.s. love the discordian dates!!! WIECZNY KWIAT WTADZA!!!!
michaelm, in footer.php of your theme just add <?php sk2_stats(); ?> and it will out put the message there.
Whispered thoughts from Altar » Spam Karma v2 updates.
I get an error:
warning: sk2_stats(): Failed opening ‘/home/bookiebo/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/SK2/sk2_util_class.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/bookiebo/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/sk2-stats.php on line 19
i installed this through the 1-click-install, but I also downloaded the zip file. There is no sk2_util_class.php file to be found.
Edwin have you installed SK2? it will only work if SK2 is installed. That sk2utilclass.php file is part of the SK2 core, so make sure it is installed properly.
I had SK2 installed through 1-click install. Might try and install it manually.
Okay, I hadn’t installed SK2. I thought I did, but I didn’t.
Now I just have to find out on the ‘division by zero’ error.
Edwin, just released version 1.2 to fix that error.
Ah… Thanks. Now it works
BTW. I love how all the WP plugin makers are so nice and friendly. Much better then I’ve seen on other Blogging groups.
The one-click install thinger doesn’t install the new version of SK. It installs the old, which is what screwed me up at first.
CLAMP Campus Adventures » WordPress Upgrade
Thanks for the plugin.
Didn’t bother to change the default message on my blog as yet until I think of something better
Whispered thoughts from Altar » Spam Karma v2 updates.
I am getting this message error on a check: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /myweblogpath/wp-content/plugins/SK2/sk2_functions.php on line 145
When commenting, I get this:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /myweblogpath/wp-content/plugins/SK2/spam_karma_2_plugin.php on line 903
I have tried changing to 777 permissions to all SK2 files but that didn’t help.
Any idea?
The situation has slightly changed: commenting seems OK now, when checking out compatibility I get now,
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /pathtomyweblog/wp-content/plugins/SK2/sk2_functions.php on line 145
太空猴子::SpaceMonkey » 該死的SPAM v2 , Network Lab
Yes! Nice blog for all.
Nice to see this feature available for SK2. I have a question before I finally upgrade from SK1.x, however. Is the number of eaten spams retained from the old version to the new one when you upgrade? SK has killed over 5300 spams on my blog, and I’d hate to lose all that karma.
FYI, I’m getting an error message when I try to subscribe to this comment feed. It says:
Hi! This is realy good blog.
let me try!
View from the bench » Blog Archive » New Plugin » Fixing Up the Place
Blogging according to Ajay » Protecting your Blog from Spam
Warning: sk2_stats(/home/thesup3/public_html/webblog//wp-content/plugins/SK2/sk2_util_class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/thesup3/public_html/webblog/wp-content/plugins/sk2-stats.php on line 17
i get this?? help
Akismet, le nouvel outil anti-spam pour les blogs at Almaren
The White Blog » Aha! Something new to figure out!
Mitos & Charumées Webtagebuch » Blog Archive » Neue Plug-Ins installiert
the spam count is not appearing on my page. what is wrong ?