“Even the milk from our own animals does not belong to us. We must give to those who need it, for a poor man shames us all” — An elder of the Gabra, a pastoral tribe of nomads in Kenya
In our culture, North America and many other places, things have become more important than people. We now live in a world of strangers and riches.
There was a man in the deserts of Kenya, where they depend on camels for life. He had lost all but two camels do to drought, and would most likely have died, so he asked his neighbour, a stranger, for help. His neighbour gave him a camel even though they too lost many to the drought. Now think about all the homeless living in the street, how many times have you helped them? How many camels have you given?
The Camel really symbolizes the relationship of the two people, and the new bond they now share. A rich man is not measured by the things he owns, but by the relationships he has made.
“I am given love at the price of all else, so I give to be rich” — Weyewa proverb
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Say what?
I think he means, that with all the wealth and resources in the world, for anyone to be poor is indeed a shamefull thing.
I think.
Yeah, that would be a good and logical explanation of it. Very profound Matt.
Wow, you are so insightful. Matt the next Yoda?
The video matt is talking about is actually from “A Poor Man Shames Us All.” It’s an anthropology type video…I just wrote a short essay analyzing it and for an Anthropology class. I drew parallels between the video of the Gabra tribe and Chinese culture today. China was once the same way, and than with it’s growth in wealth it’s rural health care system began to decay because doctors moved to Urban areas for profit.
The video is worth a watch if one can find it. I know it was on PBS before, but thats all I know.
you are most correct